
How do we apply all this in pre-school?

The first two weeks of the Minor have given us the chance to learn some activities in two of our units, one on communication skills and the other one on teaching skills. The teacher on the communication skills unit has openly admitted that the exercises she had proposed, which we have to adapt for a book of our choice, had been designed with primary students in mind, and she has had a couple of meetings with those of us who are taking the pre-school teacher degree, in order to discuss how they could be adapted to our needs. As a matter of fact, in my opinion, the book (Lord of the flies) and most of the exercises she has proposed to be taken as a model are really suitable for students on the last couple of years before going to university. It is quite revealing to see that almost all of our classmates who are taking the primary education degree chose ages 11 and 12 for the set of exercises we have to produce, most probably because adapting the exercises for those ages seems easier.

As for the activities that we have been doing in the unit on teaching skills, I have a similar feeling: I think that they could be quite easily adapted to late primary students, but when I try to think of a 4 or 5 year old classroom, I don't quite see how yet. In our case, we are talking of children at their very first contact with English and who are very young. It would be nice to have models of activities particularly designed for early childhood and ask us to do the opposite exercise, adapting them to older children, for a change.

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