Last Friday we continued with our lesson planning. First, we watched a video of two former students who brought children (now, that is real realia!) to their lesson presentation. Besides, it was a very interesting presentation, because they showed several English children's games. Apparently, these students listened to their classmates' concerns on how little they knew about games to use at school, in the playground during break time, so they organised a lesson around that topic. Now, that is a really nice thing to do for your classmates (and yourself).
The video also served as an introduction to what our presentations will be like at the end of the year, after we come back from our in-school training period, when we will also have real children. That will be great, because we will be able to see with our own eyes if our ideas work or not. I can't wait!
Oh, and I already have a guinea-pig volunteer; yesterday afternoon I saw my 6-year-old niece, and she showed me her new classroom's windows from the outside (she just started primary in a different location, but in the same school). So, I told her I might ask her teacher for permission to come one day (I did my two in-school trainings at her school), and then she remembered she came to university last year, when our psycho-motricity teacher gave us the chance to bring our in-school training class to university. She wasn't in my class, but since I knew she would love to come, I asked the teachers and herself, and she came along with "my" class. Well, yesterday she said that she would like to come to my "school" again, and that she is going to ask her teacher if they can come. Obviously, I told her that I also needed to ask my teachers for permission. So, if we happen to be short on primary first children, I have a very enthusiastic volunteer willing to recruit her class!
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