I haven't mentioned anything on my dissertation in a long time now. I would like to write more on my blog but I just don't seem to be able to find time to do so. Cheap excuse; I know.
Well, about my dissertation, I have to say that I was quite pleased with the result achieved up to the end of my school placement. I didn't manage to finish all that I had hoped (produce the final draft of the whole document), but I knew my objective was far too optimistic. By the time we went back to our university lessons, I had written the theoretical part, collected my data and written down the chapter on methodology. At the same time, after having reached that point, I realised I would need to re-write part of my theoretical chapter, as the readings on the topic of the dissertation had lead me to aspects I couldn't anticipate when I started my writing.
After having gone back to our lessons, I have hardly touched the dissertation, I must admit, because I use all the time I have for other assignments. Still, I have to admit that I am not worried; as a matter of fact, I think that finishing the dissertation too early could be a bad idea. The presentation will take place in June, and I think it is better to have the contents as fresh as I possibly can in my head, so if I were to finish my final draft in March or early April, it would be way too early.
I plan on using my Easter holidays to write the results, and start with the conclusions. After that, when we finish our lessons, I should have more time to polish it and send it to my supervisor for the last feedback.
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