
Working on my undergraduate dissertation over Christmas

I am really happy with all I managed to get done over Christmas on my undergraduate dissertation. I did an awful lot of reading, and quite a lot of writing too, so the objectives I set before the holidays were met. I kept the writing as concise as I could, because I want to leave space for extending on those aspects that will be more important regarding the empirical part of the work, which I have outlined, but not fully developed yet.

As a result, I have a draft with the final structure of the document, and some sections have a large part of the contents already written. Not all that needs to go in has been written yet, but all that has been written is there to stay (with minor changes, of course).

Meanwhile, I continue gathering more and more literature, which is something that will eventually need to stop, because I won't have time to go over all of it. The problem is that the more I go into details, the more I feel I need to know, so I continue searching, and when you search, you always find interesting things. For instance, I plan on doing a storytelling and assessing the listening comprehension in students. Then, of course, I realise that my choice of questions will need to be well justified, so I begin to look for information on how to assess listening comprehension, which is not the topic of my dissertation, but nevertheless I need to have a fair idea on it. Everything I think about leads me to the need to know more about other related topics, which takes me to more and more readings, even if I think I have narrowed down the topic of my dissertation. I don't know, maybe I am doing something wrong; or maybe that is the way it should be.

Anyway, at the end of the day, this is an undergraduate dissertation, mainly a chance for me to learn, and not so much to prove that I know thoroughly my way around researching and the scientific method. I am learning a lot of things, so I think I am heading in the right direction, and hopefully with the help of my supervisors for the dissertation and the school placement I'll get there.

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