
My experience as a language learner

I have just read over what I wrote on my experience learning English last year, and there isn't much I could add to those memories, I think. So, instead of trying to squeeze my brain on that, I would like to share my thoughts on another topic, closely linked with learning in general, related to ways of doing.

Since the beginning of the Minor, we have been told about the importance of consistency in the methods used to teach English. We have also been told similar things on how children should learn how to write, for instance, because it can be very disturbing or harmful for some to shift from a constructivist method to a traditional one all of a sudden.

I can obviously see the point of the advice we have been given, and I know that those children who have difficulties adapting to change, or children who live in particularly unstable environments or circumstances can suffer a lot from the lack of consistency in the teaching style and methods used at school. But still, I believe in the benefits of diversity, even when it comes to methods and styles. Offering the experience of diversity in teaching styles and methods to each child, taking into account that the threshold which will separate diversity from chaos will be different for each person, can improve chances to learn, I believe, because it creates opportunities to learn different and diverse things.

There are no good or bad methods, there is only good or bad teachers. That is where we need to be consistent, when it comes to having good teachers. And, even then, the odd bad teacher is also needed in order to appreciate the good ones.

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