Today we had our first class in the large group (we split in two for some of the sessions), so it was around 50 of us in class. Just like the previous day, our teacher used another warmer (the birthday line) to start the lesson and set where each one of us will sit in class.
Just like yesterday, I have felt a bit awkward in such a huge circle, talking in turns, with that tension building up as your turn approached (again, we couldn't repeat a sentence that had already been said). I didn't feel as tense as it might sound, but that is my general feeling about the activity as a whole; I sensed tension, our bodies weren't relaxed. I didn't like at all the fact that all of us spoke to our teacher, instead of talking to our classmates. Our teacher was on one end of the class (opposite to mine, actually). Those of us who were on the other end of the room had to raise our voice to be heard (by her), so all the rest of classmates got the chance to hear what we said, but when those close to her spoke, I didn't understand what many of them said, because they talked to her. I guess that, as a teacher, you need to be aware of small practical things like that, and try to make people talk to each other, either by asking explicitly, or maybe stepping out of the circle (?).
Gosh, I realise that what I have written on this week's activities sounds like I have not enjoyed it at all, and that is not how I feel (I think), but I guess it has been a rough week.
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